‘Rain, rain go away. Come again another day.’

This rhyme from my childhood is relevant for me right now. I live in a part of the world where rain is a common occurrence. I have learned to expect grey, wet days, especially in the autumn months. This is especially true this year.

I love walking in the woods and by the ocean. I am rejuvenated by time in Nature. Hiking, running, walking and cycling bring me joy and help me feel healthy. I especially enjoy these things on a clear, sunny day.

I have come to realize that if I wait for the sun to shine before I go outside, I may miss several weeks of being outdoors.

Here is what I have chosen to do. Rather than resenting the rain, I get out and play in the puddles.

One day last week I imagined ‘rambling in the rain’ with my little girl. No, not my granddaughter. I went for a walk and invited my young self, ‘little Marjorie’ to join me. What fun we had!

As I walked  on the trails and looked around from a child’s perspective, I noticed all kinds of things I would not ordinarily see.

Did you know that puddles mirror the sky? They reflect the bare tree branches. And they are so much fun to splash in.


We met a worm wriggling across the path. We watched its slow progress and wondered where it was going. We saw ducks all in a row on a log. Two flew away and two stayed. I was struck by the mystery of birds and their patterns and life cycles.


Oh, look. There is a broken tree. I wonder, how fierce was the wind that caused that big branch to fall?


We keep walking. It is raining even harder. We don’t care! Singing and splashing, we feel rain drops on our faces. We watch them dancing on the pond.

Treasures await us as we try a new path. There are three tiny pine cones joined together lying on the ground. A red blackberry shines from the bare branches of the bushes along the way. How is it that it is still red? And, there are brilliant red and orange leaves refusing to fall, adding a splash of brightness to the dark day.



As I head toward home, I see an empty park bench, waiting and ready for warm weather visitors. I am smiling and energized. I feel the magic of connecting with my younger self. I experience the freedom of creating fun and play on a rainy day walk.


Somehow the idea of rainy days ahead is not as discouraging for me as it has been in the past. I am thankful for the gifts of Nature that are waiting for me when I choose a playful and childlike approach to a ‘ramble in the rain’.

Perhaps your challenges are different than mine. You may have warm sunshine every day where you live. Or you may have bright, snowy days. And, I know there are times when life can seem challenging no matter what the weather.

I wonder how you create a joyful experience for yourself, when outward circumstances may be dark or gloomy.

I trust that my story of shifting my perspective as I walked in the rain, will give you some ideas as to how you might choose to create an experience that fills you with joy.

I invite you to share your ideas around this in the comments section. Let’s support each other in having fun in our lives as we focus on our inner perspective!

Categories: Being Present


Heather · November 24, 2016 at 10:00 pm

I also love walking in the rain and feel refreshed and invigorated by it even if it’s a challenge to push myself to get out there sometimes 🙂 Thanks for the reminder!

    Marjorie · January 11, 2017 at 10:27 am

    and, Heather, I especially enjoy our walks together in the rain! Thank you for the times you join me for invigorating conversation and movement.

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