It had been several days since I had taken a day to write. I was happy to have a day planned with no coffee times booked, no caring for grandchildren, no phone calls or errands to run. Finally, a day to myself!

My day started with a quiet meditative ritual, writing in my journal and setting an intention for the day. I headed out to the trails where I walk in the woods and enjoyed the bird song, the water and the fresh morning spring air.

After my shower, I thought, ‘Now it’s time to write’. I sat at my lap top and waited for the creative ideas to find me.

What was happening?

Instead of feeling joy and pleasure, I felt restless and anxious. I was planning to work from home. And, my home did not invite me to be creative. My husband and I had not cleaned for a long time, and I was aware of the dust and grime. I found I was distracted and I didn’t want to settle into writing.

So, I started cleaning. I scrubbed the bathroom, and moved on to dusting the bedroom. Here is what I noticed. I felt exhausted, physically and emotionally. I was dragging myself from one task to the next. What was going on? Why was I so tired?
[pullquote width=”300″ float=”right”]When I am fully focused on an activity, I enjoy it more.[/pullquote]

While I was cleaning I kept thinking, ‘I should be writing. I shouldn’t be wasting time cleaning. This is not what my day was supposed to look like’. I felt resentful that I ‘had’ to clean. Why was house-cleaning my job? I was grumpy and irritable.

My day of ‘time just for me’ was not turning out the way I had planned at all!

I reminded myself that when I am fully focused on an activity, I enjoy it more. Making a pot of homemade soup becomes a meditative experience when that is all I do. I smell the onions and garlic and chop the carrots and potatoes rhythmically. I inhale the fragrances and breathe in the pleasure of creating a healthy meal.

Could I do this while housecleaning? What if I accepted the reality that for now, my focus was fully on cleaning? What might happen if I let go of the pressure to write at this moment?

I opened the windows and doors. I turned up the blues music, my favourite music for cleaning. I breathed deeply and chose to be fully present to cleaning the house. I took my time and noticed the pieces I was dusting. I admired the sheen of the dark wood of the antique dresser in our bedroom. I rearranged the photos of my grandchildren on the window sill and smiled as I looked at each precious smiling face.

I felt renewed energy. My shoulders were no longer tense, my body felt light and I was smiling. I was surprised at what a difference my attitude change made in my physical sensations, as well as in my emotions. The cleaning tasks were completed with ease, and I treated myself to a leisurely lunch and then a nap.

When I woke up, I was eager to write. I made a fresh pot of coffee and allowed the words to flow as I sat at my computer. Following the rhythms of my energy is not always easy for me. In the past I have pushed myself to get things done, and have ignored what my body or emotions are telling me. Not only would I miss the satisfaction of the actual activity, I was exhausted when it was done.

I am excited to learn how being focused on one thing at a time supports me to experience ease with tasks in my life. For me, this week, it was house-cleaning and writing. For you, it could be working at a job you find boring. Or, caring for young children, with the endless demands and repetitive calls for your help.

[question] What might shift if I breathe deeply, focus on the task at hand, and trust I am doing exactly what is right for me at that moment?

What might happen in your life if you gave this a try?[/question]

I look forward to experimenting with this approach and I would love to hear how this might work for you.

I see myself having lots of opportunity to practice ‘presence’ in my life over the next months. I am starting a new adventure and I am excited to share this with you.

I am here to tell you that I am writing a book!

For a few years now, I have been dreaming about writing a book, and even talking about it to some close friends. Recently, my son-in-law challenged me by asking, ‘So don’t you think it’s time to stop talking about writing a book, and start writing one?’

That was the impetus I needed. I declared to myself and one or two others that I was starting my book. Over the past few months, I have become more clear on the process and I am following my calling to share my life experiences and learnings in a book.

As one of my readers, I invite you to be part of this journey with me. I already know that as I write my book, I am experiencing two levels of learning. There is the challenge of writing regularly and figuring out the process of writing a book. And, there is what happens as I face the reality of what I am writing about in the actual events of my own life. I am fascinated by the synchronicity of what happens to me as I am writing about a concept. Today’s post about presence is an example. How can I write about an idea and not apply it in my own life? I see myself as a learner alongside my readers, and I am curious where this path will take me. And, where it will invite you, my reader, to travel.

I feel certain that this is what I am meant to be doing right now. I have a story to tell that is bigger than I am. I am ready. This is my time. And, I love that I am not in this alone. I have many dear friends and family cheering me on, and I welcome your support as well. Here’s to an adventure of creativity and lightness!



Bev Klassen · May 22, 2019 at 8:16 am

That’s great news Marjorie… All the best as you pursue your dream and work to make it a reality.

Anita · May 22, 2019 at 9:33 am

Being present in the moment changes everything . Thank you for the reminder. I needed that today!

    Marjorie Warkentin · May 22, 2019 at 8:09 pm

    I am glad that this resonated with you, Anita. Thanks for sharing with me.

Tanis Frame · May 22, 2019 at 8:34 pm

So thrilled Marjorie! Can’t wait to read your book. xo

    Marjorie Warkentin · May 31, 2019 at 8:59 pm

    Tanis, I am honoured to have you as one of my cheerleaders and supporters on this path I have started. Thank you for your love!

Anja Jaeger · May 22, 2019 at 10:15 pm

Wow so existing… joy and stamina to you… greetings Anja

    Marjorie Warkentin · May 31, 2019 at 9:01 pm

    my dear Anja, Stamina is needed for sure! Thank you for your loving support!

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